RDC-02 helps address overloading problem 

RDC-02 helps address overloading problem

The Regional Development Council 02 (RDC-02) headed by Isabela Governor Rodolfo T. Albano III, met on January 11, 2023 at the Lower Magat Ecotourism (LMET) Park in Diadi, Nueva Vizcaya, to tackle the issue concerning alleged overloading among haulers and truckers.

Also participating were representatives of the Region’s hauling and trucking owners/operators, Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Department of Transportation (DOT), North Luzon Expressway Corporation (NLEXC), and other concerned parties from within and outside the Region.

Mr. Kervin Francis G. Uy of the complaining group gave their position, vis-a-vis both the issue and the NLEXC’s guidelines on overloading, as presented by Engr. Rosalinda T. Salvatierra, Chief of the DPWH-02’s Maintenance Division, and Mr. Francisco “Kiko” V. Dagohoy, NLEXC’s Assistant Manager for Government Relations, respectively.

This emergency meeting, according to Mr. Dagohoy, was precipitated by the request of RDC-02 Chairperson Albano to NLEXC’s President and General Manager Jose Luigi L. Bautista for a dialogue with the aim of coming up with a win-win solution to the problem at hand which was raised during the RDC-02 meeting held last December 13 in Ilagan City, Isabela.

Specifically, the group complained about their members being disallowed entry to the North Luzon Expressway by the NLEXC due to alleged overloading, especially along the Candaba viaduct linking the provinces of Pampanga and Bulacan which is presently undergoing a much needed rehabilitation, citing Republic Act No. 8794, or “An Act Imposing a Motor Vehicle User’s Charge on Owners of all Types of Motor Vehicle and for Other Purposes”, as legal basis.

Under this law, also known as “Anti-Overloading Act of 2000”, a fine worth 25 percent of the motor vehicle user’s charge will be imposed against overloaded trucks applicable at the time of infringement.

The NLEXC officials said that their denying of “overloaded” vehicles is based on a study undertaken by a UP team, commissioned by their company for the purpose, declaring the subject viaduct to have a carrying capacity of 33 tons per vehicle only, which is also in consonance with the DPWH’s policy and mandate of maintaining the integrity and safety of the nation’s roads and bridges.

Governor Carlos M. Padilla of the host province warmly welcomed the delegates as he also expressed his hopes for a healthy and productive dialogue concerning the issue at hand that has some serious social and economic implications, which he said will not only redound to the benefit of the Region per se but to the whole nation at large.

He and his fellow Governor Albano then called on all concerned national government agencies to act expeditiously on pressing issues and concerns, especially those being raised by the different sectors of our society, and the local governments who are indeed in closer touch with the reality on the ground.

They also said that the haulers and truckers have to adjust and be compliant with the laws, and for law enforcement agencies to be more vigilant and strict in performing their regulatory functions.

Updating of extant regulatory laws covering both the roads and bridges and the vehicles plying on them was also advanced as part of the whole solution. #jlc#lag#cqc

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