17971 | 11545177 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Equipment for the Diadi Emergency Hospital (DEH) |
D24-246,18370 | 11534715 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply, Delivery and Installation with Commissioning and Testing of Redundant Internet Connection with 400MB Via Direct Internet Access (DIA) for the GO-Provincial Information Technology Division (GO-PITD) |
071 | 11448886 | ITB for the Supply and Delivery of Grocery Items, ABC 1,631,000.000 for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
070 | 11468193 | ITB for the Supply and Delivery of 1 Unit Motor Vehicle (Brand New Van), ABC P2,500,000.00 for the Provincial Integrated Health Office (PIHO) |
| 11538932 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Disaster Equipment for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
17972 | 11524028 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Supplies for the Dupax DIstrict Hospital (DDH) |
D24-257 | 11487479 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply, Delivery and Installation with Commissioning and Testing of Pure Sine Wave Toroidal Inverter Power Assembly Set with Data Rack Cabinet (12 Sets) (Free Wifi ti Umili - Phase II) for GO-Provincial Information Technology Division (GO-PITD) |
D24-270,18653 | 11518150 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Cabinet Type Airconditioning Unit with Installation for the Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office (PSWDO) |
D24-71,18709 | 11518553 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Construction MAterials for the Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office (PSWDO) |
J24-18669 | 11512480 | Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Construction Materials for Provincial Tourism and Culture Office (PTCO) |
J24-18679 | 11512306 | Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Materials for the Repair of Electrical Lines and Intstallation of Solar Lights for Provincial Tourism and Culture Office (PTCO) |
18403,R24-107 | 11509961 | Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Laboratory Supplies for the Kasibu Municipal Hospital (KMH) |
18680,R24-109 | 11510192 | Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Drugs and Medicines for the Provincial Integrated Health Office (PIHO) |
K24-057,18675 | 11509894 | Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Office Supplies for the Accounting Office (PACCO) |
18583,R24-106 | 11509935 | Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Radiology Supplies for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
18029,2024-10-2832 | 11511911 | Request for Quotation for the Procurement of 1 Unit Ambulance Type 1 with Accessories, Medical Equipment & Supplies for the Dupax District Hospital (DDH) |
TFB-17767 | 11511646 | Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Search and Rescue Equipment for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
17266 | 11510124 | Request for Quotation for the Procurement of One (1) unit Coagulation Machine for the Bagabag District Hospital (BDH) |
17927,J24-217 | 11511335 | 2nd Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Fuel, Oil & Lubricants for the Provincial Engineering Office (PEO) |
17908,2024-10-2874 | 11511859 | 3rd Request for Quotation for the Procurement of 1,875 Liters Diesel for Bagabag District Hospital (BDH) |
15766,R24-025 | 11510078 | 3rd Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Various Laboratory Equipment for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
17265,R24-071 | 11510060 | 3rd Request for Quotation for the Procurement of One (1) unit Electrolyte Analyzer for the Bagabag District Hospital (BDH) |
18307 | 11509896 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Supplies for the Dupax District Hospital (DDH) |
18153 | 11510001 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 2 Units Defibrillator with Paddles for the Dupax District Hospital (DDH) |
18380,2024-11-3262 | 11509363 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Fuel, Oil and Lubricants for the Lt. Tidang Memorial Hospital (LTMH) |
067 | 111436920 | ITB for the 5 Units Aircon Split Type, ABC P342,000.00 for the Sangguniang Panlalawigan-Board Members (SP-BM's) |
069 | 11439132 | 1st ITB for the Supply and Delivery of Anesthesia Machine, ABC P2,000,000.00 for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
068 | 11438883 | ITB for the Supply, Delivery and Installation with Commissioning and Testing of Redundant Internet Connection with 400MB Via Direct Internet Access (DIA) , ABC P967,000.000 for the GO-Provincial Information Technology Division (GO-PITD) |
D24-262,18547 | 11486830 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Rice (4kg per Sack) for the Governor's Office (GO) |
D24-259,18548 | 11486539 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Various Appliances for the Governor's Office (GO) |
D24-261,18545 | 11486626 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Tokens for the Governor's Office (GO) |
D24-260,18546 | 11486416 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Monoblock Chair and Table with Logo for the Governor's Office (GO) |
D24-255,118476 | 11487192 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 1 Unit Brand New 4x4 Pick up with Camper Shell for the Governor's Office (GO) |
18464 | 11501242 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
18648 | 11501383 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
1767 | 11442708 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Search and Rescue Equipment for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
17266 | 11445718 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit Coagulation Machine for the Bagabag District Hospital (BDH) |
J24-18321 | 11448886 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Grocery Items for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
18378,2024-11-3260 | 11441630 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 4 Unit Mid-Range Clone Desktop Computer for (Lt. Tidang Memorial Hospital (LTMH) |
18380 | 11441064 | Invitation to Bid Supply and Delivery of Fuel, Oil and Lubricants for the Lt. Tidang Memorial Hospital (LTMH) |
18297 | 11439132 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Anesthesia Machine for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
18292 | 11445676 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicines for the Bagabag District Hospital (BDH) |
D24-246,18370 | 11438883 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply, Delivery and Installation with Commissioning and Testing of Redundant Internet Connection with 400MB Via Direct Internet Access (DIA) for the GO-Provincial Information Technology Division (GO-PITD) |
064 | 11412775 | ITB for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit Ambulance Type 1 with Accessories, Medical Equipment and Supplies, ABC P3,000,000.00 for the Kasibu Municipal Hospital (KMH |
J24-18278 | 11437282 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Rice 25 kls./Sack for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
J24-18185 | 11436827 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Mediclal Supplies for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
D24-247,18298 | 11436920 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 5 Units Aircon |
17813,J24-205 | 11348289 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply & Delivery of 1000 pcs First Aid Kit for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
17664 | 11344073 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicines for the Provincial Integrated Health Office (PIHO) |
059 | 11287395 | 1st ITB for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies, ABC P513,770.00 for the Dupax District Hospital (DDH) |
058 | 11280219 | ITB for the Supply and Delivery of Monoblock Chair, ABC P8,579,250.00 for the Governor's Office (GO) |
060 | 11287425 | 1st ITB for the Supply and Delivery of Laboratory and Wellness Supplies, ABC P685,970.00 for the Lt. Tidang Memorial Hospital (LTMH) |
17852,J24-227 | 11337156 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Disaster Equipment for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
17904,J24-226 | 11336430 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Go Bag for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
17971 | 11338517 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Equipment for the Diadi Emergency Hospital (DEH) |
18029,2024-10-2832 | 11336326 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit Ambulance Type 1 with Accessories, Medical Equipment and Supplies for Dupax District Hospital (DDH) |
17927,J24-217 | 11335778 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply &
Delivery of Fuel, Oil & Lubricants for the Provincial Engineering Office (PEO) |
1770 | 11333008 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply & Delivery of Laboratory Supplies for the Provincial Integrated Health Office (PIHO) |
17908,2024-10-2874 | 11330497 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 1,875 Liter Diesel for the Bagabag District Hospital (BDH) |
17533 | 11287425 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Laboratory and Wellness Supplies for the Lt. Tidang Memorial Hospital (LTMH) |
17559 | 11287395 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies for the Dupax District Hospital (DDH) |
17759 | 11287395 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies for the Dupax District Hospital (DDH) |
K24-041,17844 | 11284554 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 1 Unit Brand New 4x2 SUV for the Provincial Accounting Office (PACCO) |
D24-180,17293 | 11211552 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 4 Units Motor Vehicle for the Sangguniang Panlalawigan - Board Members (SP-BM's) |
D24-186,17530 | 11211094 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 1 Unit Brand New 4x4 Pick Up for the Governor's Office (GO) |
17265 | 11217093 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit Electrolyte Analyzer for the Bagabag District Hospital (BDH) |
17341 | 11217120 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Dental Supplies for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
16640,2024-06-1227 | 11149774 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit Ambulance Type 1 with Accessories, Medical Equipment and Supplies for Kasibu Municipal Hospital (KMH) |
16564,2024-07-1809 | 111505157 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit Ambulance Type 1 with Accessories, Medical Equipment and Supplies for Dupax District Hospital (DDH) |
16896 | 11155843 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Supplies for the Kasibu Municipal Hospital (KMH) |
D24-180,17293 | 11148961 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 4 Units Motor Vehicle for the Sangguniang Panlalawigan - Board Members (SP-BM's) |
D24-180,17293 | 11148961 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 4 Units Motor Vehicle for the Sangguniang Panlalawigan - Board Members (SP-BM's) |
17352 | 11151270 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Supplies for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
17342 | 11151285 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
17341 | 11151295 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Dental Supplies for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
17265 | 11151312 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Electrolyte Analyzer for the Bagabag District Hospital (BDH) |
17266 | 1151305 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Coagulation for the Bagabag District Hospital (BDH) |
17220 | 11126620 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicines for the Lt. Tidang Memorial Hospital (LTMH) |
16773 | 11126603 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicines for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
17087 | 11126588 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Dental Supplies for the Dupax District Hospital (DDH) |
17304 | 11126573 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply & Delivery of Anesthesia Machine for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
17275,J24-181 | 11132379 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment for the GO-PDRRMO |
16656,J24-145 | 11127158 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Set Industrial Laundry Machine for the Provincial Tourism and Culture Office (PTCO) |
24082213-17321 | 11125598 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Livelihood Kits for the Governor's Office - Public Employment Services Division (GO-PESD) |
044 | 11057293 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 4 Units Motor Vehicle, ABC P12,000,000.00 for the Sangguniang Panlalawigan - Board Members (SP-BM) |
17135 | 11102193 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Supplies for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
17164,J24-173 | 11099678 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Vehicle Parts & Accessories for Various Heavy Equipment for the Provincial Engineering Office (PEO) |
D24-139,16796 | 11099543 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Meals and Snacks for the Governor's Office (GO) |
16700 | 11081633 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicines for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
16960 | 1108166 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit Pharmacy Biomedical Refrigerator for the Bagabag District Hospital (BDH) |
17083 | 11081644 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicines for the Kasibu Municipal Hospital (KMH) |
D24-117,16589 | 11057359 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Outdoor Access Point for the Governor's Office - Provincial Information Technology Division (GO-PITD) |
16753,J24-150 | 11056706 | Invitation to Bid for the NV Greening Projects CY-2024 for the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (PENARO) |
17032,J24-154 | 11057440 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Vehicle Parts & Acessories for Various Heavy Equipment for the Provincial Engineering Office (PEO) |
16682,J24-137 | 11057055 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Fuel GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
15760 | 11005303 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply & Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
16771 | 11005253 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Oxygen Refill for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
16564, 2024-07-1809 | 11008233 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit Ambulance Type 1 with Accessories, Medical Equipment and Supplies for Dupax District Hospital (DDH) |
16752 | 11008523 | Invitation to Bid for the Co-Managing the Sierra Madre's PMMR-LCA for Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Services for the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (PENARO) |
D24-138,16879 | 11009035 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 20 Units Brand New 4x4 Dump Truck for the Governor's Office (GO) |
D24-139,16796 | 11009366 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Meals and Snacks for the Governor's Office (GO) |
16766,J24-146 | 10999271 | Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment for the Provincial Engineering Office (PEO) |
16656,J24-145 | 10998033 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Set Industrial Laundry Machine for the Provincial Tourism and Culture Office (PTCO) |
16682,J24-137 | 1074453 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Fuel GO-Provicial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
036 | 10944955 | ITB for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit Ambulance Type 1 with Accessories, Medical Equipment and Supplies, ABC P3,000,000.00 for the Kasibu Municipal Hospital (KMH) |
034 | 10934752 | ITB for the Supply and Delivery ICT Equipment, ABC P296,692.16 for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
033 | 10921553 | ITB for the Supply and Delivery of Collapsible Tents and Tolda, ABC P7,932,500.00 for the Governor's Office (GO) |
032 | 10917162 | ITB for the Supply and Delivery of 2 Units High-End Laptop Computer, ABC P300,000.00 for the GO-Provincial Information Technology Division (GO-PITD) |
16624,J24-132 | 10934752 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
16536,J24-129 | 10915246 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 11,000 Liters Fuel (Diesel) GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
D24-117,16589 | 10917162 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 2 Units High-End Laptop Computer for the Governor's Office - Provincial Information Technology Division (GO-PITD) |
D24-117,16589 | 10916903 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, & Commisioning of Outdoor Access Point for the Governor's Office - Provincial Information Technology Division (GO-PITD) |
16542,RT24 | 1091701 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies/Equipment for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
16389,RT24 | 10916786 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Supplies for the Dupax District Hospital (DDH) |
D24-121,16623 | 10921553 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Collapsible Tents and Tolda for the Governor's Office (GO) |
J24-123,16522 | 10893279 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Rice for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
J24-124,16521 | 10893399 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Grocery Items for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
030 | 10844257 | ITB for the Supply and Delivery of Fuel & Oil, ABC P205,950.00 for the Provincial Engiineering Office (PEO) |
16349,J24-119 | 10844257 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Fuel & Oil for the Provincial Engineering Office (PEO) |
16414,J24-121 | 10848823 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Animal/Zooligical Supplies for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
16339 | 10850346 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit Biotech Supply Refrigerator for the Lt. Tidang Memorial Hospital (LTMH) |
16342 | 10848571 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit Full Body Shiatsu Massage Chair for the Lt. Tidang Memorial Hospital (LTMH) |
16394 | 10848135 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit Baby Warmer Medical Infant Incubator for the Lt. Tidang Memorial Hospital (LTMH) |
16341 | 10848054 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit Defibrillator for the Lt. Tidang Memorial Hospital (LTMH) |
D24-082 | 10844706 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 4166 Sack Rice for the Governor's Office (GO) |
D24-097,16319 | 10833029 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Siphoning Services and Cleaning of Septic Vaults of the Provincial Government Owned Hospitals, Building and Facilities for the Provincial General Services Office (PGSO) |
028 | 10758501 | 2nd ITB for the Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicines, ABC P1,000,000.00 for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
027 | 10758617 | ITB for the Supply and Delivery of 18000 pcs Monoblock Chairs & 650 pcs Monoblock Table, ABC P8,957,500.00 for the Governor's Office (GO) |
16073,J24-083 | 10778446 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Two (2) Units Rescue Motorbike (All-Terrain) for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
16101,J24-086 | 10777653 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
16224 | 10785799 | Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of Anesthesia Machine for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
J24-034,15659 | 10786503 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Rice for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction MAnagement Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
D24-097,16139 | 10780785 | Invitation to Bid for the Siphoning Services and Cleaning of Septic Vaults of the Provincial Government Owned Hospitals, Building and Facilities for the Provincial General Services Office (PGSO) |
15742,RT24-022 | 10775562 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicines for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
15788,RT24-027 | 10775564 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
16102, 2024-04-943 | 10759526 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 1 Unit Desktop Computer for Bagabag District Hospital (BDH) |
15858, J24-059 | 10758542 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Rental of Sounds, Lights, Led Wall, etc. for the Provincial Tourism and Culture Office (PTCO) |
15833, J24-048 | 10758501 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Drugs & Medicines for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
D24-083, 16074 | 10758617 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 18000 Pcs Monoblock Chair & 650 Pcs Monoblock Table for the Governor's Office (GO) |
16049 | 10756582 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Equipment for the Kasibu Municipal Hospital (KMH) |
16095,J24-070 | 10751923 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 1,700 Pcs Hygiene Kit (Stockpiling on Non-Food Items) for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
15995, J24-071 | 10753411 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Vehicle Parts & Accessories for Various Heavy Equipment for the Provincial Engineering Office (PEO) |
D24-082, 16075 | 10752266 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 4166 Sak Rice for the Governor's Office (GO) |
D24-079, 15937 | 10744956 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Construction Materials for the Provincial General Services Office (PGSO) |
15990 | 10735682 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Equipment for the Diadi Emergency Hospital (DEH) |
15843 | 10735785 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Two (2) Units Defibrillator with Paddles for the Dupax District Hospital (DDH) |
16024 | 10735836 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicines for the Provincial Integrated Health Office (PIHO) |
025 | 10694672 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicines, ABC P1,000,000.00 for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
15399 | 10702341 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Supplies for the Lt. Tidang Memorial Hospital (LTMH) |
15270 | 10723373 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Supplies for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
2024-04-867, 15842 | 10719948 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 2 Units Washing Machine for the Dupax District Hospital (DDH) |
15639 | 10671191 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Wellness and Dental Supplies for the LT. Tidang Memorial Hospital (LTMH) |
15307 | 10671300 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Supplies for the Diadi Emergency Hospital DEH |
15833, J24-048 | 10672166 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicines for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
| 2024-002 | 2nd Invitation to Bid Through Public Auction for the Disposal of Transportation and Heavy Equipment |
15271 | 10654666 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Supplies for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
15788 | 10651920 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
15641 | 12651841 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Various OR Equipment for the Diadi Emergency Hospital (DEH) |
15742 | 10651790 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicines for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
15634 | 10647421 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Medical Supplies for the Dupax District Hospital (DDH) |
15155 | 10647283 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicines for the Dupax District Hospital (DDH) |
15760,RT2 | 10647513 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Various Laboratory Equipment for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
J24-013-15380 | 10656928 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Hybrid Seeds for Vegetable Production for the Provincial Agricultural Office (PAO) |
| | Notice of Cancellation |
019 | 10596457 | 1st Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies, ABC P414,710.00 for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
018 | 10602065 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Grocery Items, ABC P1,490,700.00 |
J24-034,15659 | 10627051 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Rice for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
019 | 10596457 | 1st ITB for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies, ABC
₱414,710.00 for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
| No. 2024-002 | Invitation to Bid Through Public Auction for the Disposal of Trasnportation & Heavy Equipment |
J24-033-15655 | 10602065 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Grocery Items for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
J24-035-15657 | 10602722 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
15304, RT24-007 | 10609413 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicines for the Diadi Emergency Hospital (DEH) |
J24-016-15312 | 10602177 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Animal & Zoological Supplies for the Provincial Veterinary Services Office (PVSO) |
J24-033-15655 | 10602065 | INVITATION TO BID
2024-0001 | | Invitation to Bid Through Public Auction for the Disposal of Fifteen (15) Head Pigs |
J24-032-15658 | 10597607 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Animal/Zoological Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
J24-031-1653 | 10597217 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Welfare Goods (Stockpiling of Non-Food Items) for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
15570 | 10596457 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
017 | 10548016 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Veterinary Drugs & Medicines, ABC P844,502.00 for the Provincial Veterinary Services Office |
016 | 10546722 | 1st Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Supplies, ABC P1,586,447.00 for the Provincial Integrated Health Office (PIHO) |
15070 | 10584059 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicines for the Kasibu Municipal Hospital (KMH) |
B-13713 | 10577993 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit High Performance Off-Road Truck (DRRM Vehicle) for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
15453 | 10571023 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicines for the Lt. Tidang Memorial Hospital (LTMH) |
015 | 10520288 | 1st ITB for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies, ABC P236,990.00 for the Provincial Integarted Health Office (PIHO) |
014 | 10533179 | 2nd ITB for the Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment, ABC P449,000.00 for the Provincial Agricultural Office (PAO) |
013 | 10533315 | ITB for the Supply and Delivery Animal/Zoological Supplies, ABC P151,830.15 for the Provincial Veterinary Services Office (PVSO) |
012 | 10530732 | ITB for the Supply and Delivery Medical & LAboratory Supplies, ABC P72,105.00 for the Provincial Veterinary Services Office (PVSO) |
2402427-15474 | 10573559 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 1 Unit Moto Vehicle for the Governor's Office - Provincial Jail (GO-JAIL) |
015 | 10520288 | 1st ITB for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies, ABC
₱236,990.00 for the Provincial Integrated Health Office (PIHO) |
15284 | 10546722 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Supplies for the Provincial Integrated Health Office (PIHO) |
J24-030-15314 | 10548016 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Veterinary Drugs & Medicines for the Provincial Veterinary Services Office (PVSO) |
2024-02-424,15464 | 10548971 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment for the Provincial Integrated Health Office (PIHO) |
J24-019-15313 | 10530732 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical, Dental & Laboratory Supplies for the Provincial Veterinary Services Office (PVSO) |
23122732-B-15042 | 10533179 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment for the Provincial Agricultural Office (PAO) |
J24-016-15312 | 10533315 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Animal & Zoological Supplies for the Provincial Veterinary Services Office (PVSO) |
15026 | 10534286 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 1 Unit Brand New 4x4 SUV for the Provincial Planning and Development Office (PPDO) |
15043 | 10534205 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 9 Units Motorcycle for the Governor's Office (GO) |
010 | 10508070 | 1st Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical and Laboratory Supplies for Diadi Emergency Hospital (DEH) |
15427 | 10536261 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
15176 | 10533731 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicines for the Provincial Integrated Health Office |
23122732-B-15042 | 10528881 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment for the Provincial Agricultural Office (PAO) |
B-13713 | 10528848 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit High Performance Off-Road Truck (DRRM Vehicle) for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
J24-013-15380 | 10528088 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Hybrid Seeds for Vegetable Production for the Provincial Agricultural Office (PAO) |
2023-11-2312, 14969 | 10529016 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery and Intallation of ICT Equipment and Network Connectivity for the Provincial Integrated Health Office/Bagabag District Hospital (PIHO/BDH) |
2023-12-2401, 15006 | 10529495 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit Moto Vehicle for Lt. Tidang Memorial Hospital (LTMH) |
15273 | 105225094 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Supplies for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
15214 | 10520288 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies for the Provincial Integrated Health Office (PIHO) |
15399 | 10520231 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Supplies for the Lt. Tidang Memorial Hospital |
15155 | 10519947 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicines for the Dupax District Hospital (DDH) |
15272 | 10517717 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Supplies for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
D24-026,15306 | 10529779 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Grocery Items for the Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office (PSWDO) |
15000 | 10528191 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery 1 Unit Multi-Purpose Vehicle for the Provincial Human Resource Management Office (PHRMO) |
14769 | 10528301 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Internet Connectivity with Communication Devices with Set-Up, Testing and Commissioning for the Governor's Office - Provincial Information Technology Division (GO-PITD) |
009 | 10498458 | 1st Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Dental Supplies, ABC P452,470.00 for the Provincial Integrated Health Office (PIHO) |
008 | 10496832 | 1st Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Supplies, ABC P977,675.00 for Kasibu Municipal Hospital (KMH) |
007 | 10496709 | 1st Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies, ABC P392,410.00 for Kasibu Municipal Hospital (KMH) |
15304 | 10508139 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicines for the Drugs and Medicines for the Diadi Emergency Hospital (DEH) |
15307 | 10508070 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical and Laboratory Supplies for Diadi Emergency Hospital (DEH) |
15154 | 10511891 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies for the Dupax Dupax District Hospital (DDH) |
15156 | 10512065 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Dental Supplies for the Dupax District Hospital (DDH) |
15069 | 10496709 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies for the Kasibu Municipal Hospital (KMH) |
15071 | 10496832 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Supplies for the Kasibu Municipal Hospital (KMH) |
15177 | 10498458 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Dental Supplies for the Provincial Integrated Health Office (PIHO) |
15067 | 10497088 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicines for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
2024-01-90,15153 | 10495546 | Invitation to Bid for the Extraction, Transport, Treatment and Disposal of Hazardous Waste for the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) |
15070 | 10496903 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicines for the Kasibu Municipal Hospital (KMH) |
006 | 10479807 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 1 Unit Brand New 4x4 SUV, ABC P2,800,000.00 for the Provincial Planning and Development Office (PPDO) |
004-A | 10461852 | 1st Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit High Performance Off-Road Truck (DRRM Vehicle), ABC P3,000,000.00 for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
004 | 10461852 | 1st Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit High Performance Off-Road Truck (DRRM Vehicle), ABC P3,000,000.00 |
003 | 10464869 | 2nd Supply and Delivery of Internet Connectivity with Communication Devices with Set-up, Testing and Commissioning, ABC P22,000,000.00 for the Governor's Office - Provincial Information Technology Division (GO-PITD) |
002 | 10465109 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit Motor Vehicle,ABC P2,500,000.00 for the Lt. Tidang Memorial Hospital (LTMH) |
005 | 10459033 | 2nd ITB for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit Vehicle, ABC P2,500,000.00 for the Provincial Agricultural Office (PAO) |
15043 | 10479709 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 9 Units Motorcycle for the Governor's Office (GO) |
15026 | 10479807 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 1 Unit Brand New 4x4 SUV for the Provincial Planning and Development Office (PPDO) |
B-15033 | 10465286 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply & Delivery of Oxygen and Acetylene Tank Refill for the Provincial Engineering Office (PEO) |
14769 | 10464869 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of Internet Connectivity Set-Up, Testing and Commissioning for the Governor's Office - Provincial Information Technology Division (GO-PITD) |
2023-12-2401,15006 | 10465109 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit Motor Vehicle for Lt. Tidang Memorial Hospital (LTMH) |
B-15033 | 10465286 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply & Delivery of Oxygen and Acetylene Tank Refill for the Provincial Engineering Office (PEO) |
14881 | 10462059 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 3000 UNits Solar Home Kit System for the Governor's Office (GO) |
15000 | 10461831 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery 1 Unit Multi-Purpose Vehicle for the Provincial Human Resource Management Office (PHRMO) |
13713 | 10461852 | Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit High Performance Off-Road Truck (DRRM Vehicle) for the GO-Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (GO-PDRRMO) |
001 | 10449076 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Delivery of 9 Units Motorcycle, ABC P1,080,000.00 for the Governor's Office (GO) |
23122692-B-15018 | 10459033 | 2nd Invitation to Bid for the Supply & Delivery of One (1) Unit Vehicle for the Provincial Agricultural Office (PAO) |
23122732-B-15042 | 10454114 | Invitation to Bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for the Provincial Agricultural Office (PAO) |