The Provincial Human Resource Management Office (PHRMO) conducted the New Employees Orientation for the newly hired public servants for CY 2025, on February 5, 2025, at the Carlos M. Padilla Convention Center, Capitol Compound, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya.
PHRMO Officer Dr. Ma. Carla Lucia Torralba was in attendance to give a rousing message to the attendees about their responsibilities and obligations as provincial government employees, as well as answer forthcoming questions after every presentation. The new provincial governmentemployees were oriented on the specifics of internal government business such as employee appointments, duties and functions, requirements, procedures and processes, training, benefits and welfare, etc. The topics also included behavioral and discipline matters when dealing with clients and colleagues, as Dr. Torralba herself was on hand to discuss the RA 1131 or the Safe Spaces Act, on the topic of improper behavior in the workplace and its ramifications.
Governor Atty. Jose V. Gambito himself appeared to welcome the new batch of provincial government employees, urging for professionalism and fairness in his message. “Incorrect information can cause unfair situations,” the governor warned. “Beware of the karma (caused by corruption). Be honest, be sincere; serve the people with a smile. Let us all work together.”
With the governor’s commitment to the ease of transaction between government service and citizens, the new batch of provincial government employees will carry forward the ethos and knowledge necessary to serve the clients of the province. /igmb

[This article was initially created on Facebook – Vizcaya Reporter. For PLGU-Nueva Vizcaya updates, visit: https://www.facebook.com/vizcayareporter]