NV to install bike racks and shower rooms

In an effort to promote healthier living and environmental sustainability, Governor Atty. Jose V. Gambito has directed key provincial officials to implement significant upgrades to the facilities at the Provincial Capitol and other government-owned properties. This directive, issued to Acting Provincial Administrator Mr. Jovito O. Celestino, Provincial Planning and Development Coordinator Engr. Edgardo D. Sabado, and Provincial General Services Officer Ms. Kathleen D. Marcelo, aligns with the goals outlined in Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) Memorandum Circular No. 2024-103.

The memorandum, issued by DILG Secretary Benjamin C. Abalos Jr., highlights the critical role of sustainable transportation systems in advancing economic growth and environmental stewardship. The directive urges LGUs to incorporate these facilities to promote active transportation practices like biking and walking, which are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Philippine Development Plan.

In accordance with the command, the Provincial Capitol and other facilities managed by the Provincial Local Government Unit (PLGU) of Nueva Vizcaya must have accessible shower rooms available. In addition to the installation of shower rooms, the instruction underscores the importance of installing bicycle racks at key location within the provincial facilities, but also to motivate PLGU employees and local residents to use bicycles as a more environmentally friendly means of transportation. The public will be provided with convenient amenities and healthier lifestyles as part of a broader effort to encourage healthier lifestyles.

Governor Gambito’s direction is a reflection of his dedication to integrating wellness and environmental responsibility into public services. It is expected that the new facilities will enhance the functionality of government buildings, promote the use of active transportation, and contribute to the province’s overall sustainability objectives.

These upgrades will be overseen by the officials involved to ensure they comply with the DILG memorandum standards. Gov. Gambito’s effort exemplifies a proactive approach to public health and environmental guardianship, demonstrating an excellent example for both local government operations and community practices. /jcmb

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