8.1 Organization And Management
Staffing And Government Positions
As of 2017, Seventeen (17) departments, 12 divisions(under the Governor’s Office) and five(5) hospitals are created in the Provincial Local Government Unit of Nueva Vizcaya. Included in the 34 offices are the newly created divisions and newly changed office names. Divisions under the Governor’s Office are the following: Administrative, IT (PITD), Tourism (PTDPD), Jail, PWWS, Nutrition, Population, PAIAD, IASO, PDRRMO (a newly created division in 2014), PESD, and PDAD (recently created). The Lower Magat Eco-Tourism Park Management is a project lodged at the Parks Administration and Development Division (PDAD). By virtue of SP Ordinance 2017-133 passed by the SP in April 10, 2017, six(6) names of offices were changed. The new names include Provincial Integrated Health Office (PIHO), Provincial Agricultural Office (PAO), Provincial Veterinary Services Office (PVSO), Provincial Treasury (PT), Provincial Assessment Office (PAssO), & Provincial Environment & Natural Resources Office (PENARO). Table displays the number of employees by status of employment and by office. The top 3 offices with the most number of employees combined permanent, casuals and contract of service are PEO, NVPH and PGSO with 380, 372 and 198, respectively. In contrary, the top 3 lowest are offices under the Office of the Governor which includes IASO, Population and Nutrition with only 14 in total.
The increasing number of vacant positions from 2014 to 2016 is attributed to the slow filling up of plantilla-funded positions on the same years. This high number of vacant positions in 2016 however dropped to 239 on the succeeding year. Based on the latest data, the office with the most number of vacant funded positions are Provincial Engineering Office (PEO) with 30 followed by Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) with 28 and Provincial General Services Office (PGSO) with 25. Similarly, offices including Provincial Government and Staff (Exec.), Information Technology Division (IT), Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (PDRRMO), Internal Audit Services Division (IASO) and Provincial Social Welfare Office (PSWDO) have only 1 vacant-funded positions each.
Fiscal Management
A 6.71%-increase on the total collection of the province was computed from year 2016 to 2017 which resulted from the growing share on Business Tax, PAGCOR/PCSO and IRA. Refer to Table. Also, there was no share on subsidy income from the national government and tobacco excise tax in year 2017.
As exhibited in Figure, the total local income sources followed an increasing-decreasing pattern in the span of 4 years. The total amount in 2016 was the highest figure recorded at about 240M which rose by 40.33% from the previous year which was the lowest. On the same period, the Non-Tax Revenues consistently constituted the highest percentage share at an average of 72% while RPT(Basic & SEF) was at 24% followed by Business Tax at 4%.
Table shows that there was a continuous increase on the released allotment every year in which 2017 was the highest with Php 1,379,810,430.28. In terms of expenditure and allotment balance, 2017 still recorded the highest with Php 1,064,155,090.83 and Php 315,655,339.45, respectively. The percent of utilization on the same year was at 77% which dropped by 7% from the preceding year’s 84% as displayed in Figure.