The year 2024 has the lowest recorded cases of African Swine Fever (ASF) in the province compared to the reported cases of ASF in the previous years. This was reported by Dr. Patricio H. Moreno, Head of the Provincial Veterinary Services Office (PVSO) on February 17, 2025, during the regular flag-raising ceremony at the People’s Stage, Capitol.
Dr. Moreno, thanked Governor Atty. Jose V. Gambito for the support he has given to the hog raisers in the province who were affected with ASF and gave them financial assistance to recover from the effects of ASF. The significant decrease of ASF cases is attributed to the massive information & education campaign conducted by the PVSO. The PVSO is tasked to inform hog raisers on the biosecurity measures being introduced as prevention and the continuous provision of disinfectant for the hog raisers.
With regard to the ASF vaccine, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted the Bureau of Animal Industry the certificate of product registration for its controlled used. Trials for the vaccine were already conducted to determine its safety and efficacy. But up to now, there is no insistent use commercially or its massive use. Several hog raisers and swine industry groups seek the support of the Department of Agriculture (DA) to lodge their concern to the Office of the President to approve the emergency use of the ASF vaccine. The group urged the President to declare the current ASF outbreak a national emergency and expedite the release of ASF vaccine.
Sponsoring the Monday’s flag-raising ceremony, Dr. Moreno also reported that PVSO’s targets for 2024 were realized satisfactorily as to its regular activities like vaccination, deworming treatment of diseases of both large and small animals, including pets particularly cats and dogs. “We give focus on animal priority diseases that have great impact socially of economically in our community. We also attend to calls for assistance pertaining to animal health of management concerns,” Dr. Moreno said.
The PVSO is also mandated to assist the national government in the implementation of programs like the Integrated National Swine Production Initiative, Livelihood Economic Enterprise Development Program and Animal Loan Program, to name a few, for the local farmers’ cooperatives and associations. /bglorenzo

[This article was initially created on Facebook – Vizcaya Reporter. For PLGU-Nueva Vizcaya updates, visit: https://www.facebook.com/vizcayareporter]