PGNV, TESDA Teach Good Housekeeping

On June 19, 2024, the Provincial Government of Nueva Vizcaya (PGNV), in collaboration with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), kicked off the 3-day Training on Good Housekeeping led by the Provincial Human Resource Management Office (PHRMO) under Dr. Ma. Carla Lucia M. Torralba.

The training, approved by Governor Atty. Jose V. Gambito, is designed to enhance employees’ understanding of housekeeping responsibilities, improve competencies, and develop new skills essential for their roles.

A total of 24 employees from various PGNV offices actively participated in the first day of training, marking the beginning of a valuable learning experience. /mvs

[This article was initially created on Facebook – Vizcaya Reporter. For PLGU-Nueva Vizcaya updates, visit:]

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